Home insurance provides a level of financial security in the event of an accident, fire or other type of covered loss. When severe damage occurs, having this type of protection in place can give you peace of mind. However, filing a home insurance claim, or multiple claims, can lead to higher premiums. That is, over time, the number of your claims you file can increase how much you have to pay for insurance. This occurs because, in the eyes of the insurance company, you are a higher risk and, therefore, need to pay more for the same coverage. But, isn't that why you have a policy in the first place?
Making Wise Home Insurance Claim Decisions 
Ultimately, you don't want to file numerous claims against your homeowners insurance policy. Doing so can raise your rates. So, when should you file a claim?
The home's structural integrity is at risk.
The incident needs repairs and is expensive.
Your covered item—such as valuable jewelry, collectibles, electronics or other items—is damaged or lost.
When you have a significant loss and need the protection that home insurance offers, file a claim. That's why it is there.
When Not to File a Homeowners Insurance Claim
On the other hand, there are some instances when it may be wise to forgo filing a claim. For example, if your claim would cost less than paying your deductible, it may not be financially wise to file it. For example, if you have a $1,000 deductible and the claim's value is only $500, there's no real benefit. In addition, if you can afford to make the improvements out-of-pocket because they are not too large, do so.
Why does it matter? Some types of claims, such as dog bites, water damage and slips and falls, tend to lead to significant payouts from the policy. This may raise the risk you pose to the insurer. Insurance companies keep a database of the amount of claims you make to the property, as well as the dollar value of those claims.
It's important to remember that if you have a covered incident occur and it's expensive, it's best to have this claim in place. It may provide you with the financial protection you need.
Need assistance with a claim? Call Reynolds Insurance Services at 559-846-7389 for more information on Kerman home insurance.
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