Friday, July 28, 2023If you’re thinking of purchasing insurance for your recreational vehicle, you’re probably wondering how much it will cost. RV insurance is typically far less expensive than auto insurance, especially if you have a pull-behind camper that is only in use a few weeks out of the year. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 31, 2023When it comes to major home insurance claims, carriers will use depreciation as a means to determine exactly how much money to pay out for each item. So, whether you want to replace your foundation, oven, or entire home, here’s more about what kind of formulas are used to arrive at the amount on the check. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 25, 2023After health insurance, most people would agree that car insurance is the greatest expense in a person’s budget. It may seem like rates are always increasing, but there are ways to save money on your car insurance premiums. Check out these tips: 1.Increase your Deductible. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 23, 2023Since your house is likely your largest investment, getting the right home insurance is key for protecting your family’s finances. However, just because you need to protect your home doesn’t mean you want to pay a small fortune for home insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 7, 2023Starting a new farm is an exciting but expensive venture that offers as much risk as it does reward. This is why insurance is recommended for farmers to protect their assets and income in case of a lawsuit or accident. However, not all insurance policies are created equally and it is important to find the right policy for your farm’s needs. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 16, 2023Older Americans might find it challenging to get enough life insurance. However, with the appropriate approach, many can still find coverage. After initial enrollment, opportunities to get more protection might still arise. How can you expand your options? It may take a extra steps but can prove worthwhile. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 21, 2022If someone gets hurt or their property gets damaged while in your home or as a result of your actions, you can be held liable for paying for the resulting bills. Paying for a friend’s new phone after your dog chewed up the old one may not be a detrimental expense, but paying for the medical bills after a guest slips on your icy walkway may cost thousands. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 9, 2022All businesses need property insurance. After all, it is this coverage that will help them replace damaged belongings—stock included—when something comes along to harm them. Farmers are no different, with the exception being that their stock is often their crops, which are very sensitive commodities. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 13, 2022The goal of a farm is to meet consumer needs. Crops, livestock and various other agricultural products do more than just feed people. They also serve as supplements for manufacturing and technology. If you own a farm, you know that stable production is a key to a successful business. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 22, 2022Business owners who allow their employees to drive as part of their assigned duties assume a degree of liability for the employees’ actions behind the wheel. Therefore, they need commercial auto insurance. Still, if an employee uses their personal car for work, then that does not mean that your liabilities go away. READ MORE >>
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