As spring cleaning rolls around, most of us are throwing up the shutters and letting the fresh air in. But cleaning up isn’t the only thing you should do around the house this year. There’s no better time than now to look at how to make your property safer.
No matter how safe your neighborhood, there’s always a chance that someone could break into your home. They might commit theft or another act of vandalism. Homeowners insurance can come in handy when repairing theft damage. However, it’s better to avoid a break-in or theft security incident in the first place. 
Safety Tips for Your Home’s Security
Use this spring as an opportunity to make your home safer. If you make security improvements now, you will have less to worry about. You can spend more time enjoying the wonderful Florida spring.
- Consider installing a home security system throughout the property. Some systems are very comprehensive, and might include doorbell cameras, alarms, internet connectivity and automatic lines to the police. Other systems are simpler, but can provide great protection for the home. Some systems don’t even require experts to install. You can set them up on your own time.
- Inspect your home’s locks. If you find that locks are weak or have corrosion, consider replacing them. Lock technology has advanced considerably in the last few years. You might be able to install key pads, internet-controlled or smart-phone-enabled locks.
- Increase security around your windows and other openings, such as crawl spaces or basements. Change the locks as needed. Add screens, jammers and other items to limit someone's ability to open these items.
- Place automatic lighting around the home. Use timers on certain interior lights to illuminate them at certain times of day. These lights can come on when no one is home, and might serve as deterrents to potential thieves. Also use motion-sensor lighting outside the home. These sensors can illuminate when something passes them, and they might alert you to a prowler outside.
- Keep the home’s exterior in good shape. Upkeep shows that someone lives there, cares about the property and takes security seriously. Thieves might be less likely to break in if they believe someone is home.
- Get to know your neighbors. If you live near people you trust, they can keep an eye on the property and alert you to potential dangers.
Of course, don’t forget to invest in a quality homeowners insurance policy. These policies can help owners repair damage and replace lost property following break-ins. Make sure your Reynolds Insurance Services agent tailors your coverage to reflect the value of your property and belongings.