Monday, January 16, 2023Older Americans might find it challenging to get enough life insurance. However, with the appropriate approach, many can still find coverage. After initial enrollment, opportunities to get more protection might still arise. How can you expand your options? It may take a extra steps but can prove worthwhile. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 21, 2022If someone gets hurt or their property gets damaged while in your home or as a result of your actions, you can be held liable for paying for the resulting bills. Paying for a friend’s new phone after your dog chewed up the old one may not be a detrimental expense, but paying for the medical bills after a guest slips on your icy walkway may cost thousands. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 9, 2022All businesses need property insurance. After all, it is this coverage that will help them replace damaged belongings—stock included—when something comes along to harm them. Farmers are no different, with the exception being that their stock is often their crops, which are very sensitive commodities. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 13, 2022The goal of a farm is to meet consumer needs. Crops, livestock and various other agricultural products do more than just feed people. They also serve as supplements for manufacturing and technology. If you own a farm, you know that stable production is a key to a successful business. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 15, 2022The term student car insurance is not about a specific type of insurance. Rather, it is about how car insurance works for students who are either new drivers or those who are going away to college. Sometimes, these drivers qualify for lower insurance rates, but they also have higher risks. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 13, 2022After you first buy a home, the process of getting together all of your paperwork and funds is exhausting even without the need to consider home insurance. It's why many people end up choosing a policy that's based on little more than convenience and cost. They only learn more about their plan when they're forced to file a claim. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 7, 2022Crop insurance often comes as part of a farm insurance policy to protect the unique risks faced by farms and ranches. At its simplest, crop insurance provides compensation to the farm if crops are lost or destroyed due to certain incidents. Covered incidents often include: READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 12, 2022Like most businesses, pinpointing the cost of insuring a farm is difficult, as it relies on a variety of factors. Farm insurance is a broad term that can include a lot of different coverages, each with their own costs and limits. What Does Farm Insurance Cover? Farm insurance covers a range of dangers and items unique to farms. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 18, 2022A business owners policy is a great way for business owners to save money by combining important coverages into a single policy. These policies generally come with general liability and commercial property coverage, and can be customized depending on the business’ specific needs. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 15, 2022If you cause an accident, meaning it’s your fault, you can probably understand that your car insurance rates should go up. But what if the other driver was 100% at-fault? Even then, it's still possible to see a rate increase. The reason is that it might have been possible for you to avoid the accident. READ MORE >>
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